Saturday, March 19, 2011

More spring time fun!

Today has been around 78 degrees all day so we decided to do more gardening.  We also planted bananas and peanuts from a starter kits.  We love to plant!

A9 chose to plant bananas.  Bananas are my personal favorite!
WOW!  It grows over 1 foot in the first month.

Adding her soil to the windowsill greenhouse.

Add water to moisten the soil.

These are actually banana seeds.  They look like rocks.  We were all surprised by the way they looked.

A9's windowsill box labeled and all ready to grown bananas.
Fun facts about bananas:
*The banana is not a tree, but the world's largest herb.
*banana plants can grow up to 15 m
*the leaves measure 4 X 1 m
*there are five different types of bananas--Red bananas, fruit-bananas, Apple-bananas, the baby banana, and baking bananas.
Here is a link for all of you banana lovers.

C11 chose peanuts!  A perfect choice for our part of the south.

The peanut kit.

C11 added her soil to her windowsill greenhouse.
The peanut seeds.

The finished product ready to grow.
Fun peanut facts:
*It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter.  (I could not believe this!)
*Two peanut farmers have been elected president of the USA - Thomas Jefferson and Jimmy Carter.  (This is encouraging, maybe if C11 gets good at peanut farming, we can move to The White House one day).
*Peanut butter was the secret behind "Mr. Ed," TV's talking horse.
You can find all of these facts and more at this link.

We are supposed to be able to move these outside in a few weeks.   Maybe if we get 540 peanuts we can make peanut butter and and have peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

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