Monday, March 21, 2011

Sewing project: Sleeping bag for an 18" doll.

C11 has finally completed her second sewing project for her sewing class.  She made a sleeping bag for one of her American Girl dolls.  She made this bag for her Just Like You Doll, Lily.   She coordinated 2 fabrics, and they look fabulous together.  She received several compliments on her fabric selection.

 Here are a few photos of the sleeping bag making process.
There is 1 yard of each fabric. 
You have to align the fabrics and sew them together inside out.  It is wise to pin them first.
Just start sewing.
Keep sewing!
When the fabrics are together, they are pretty thick.
The bag part is ready.  For the next part,  you have to cut some of the extra fabric and sew the sides together. 
This is the finished sleeping bag complete with the name (Lily) embroidered on it.
This is a close up picture.
Here is Lily all snug in her new sleeping bag.  I think she likes it.
 As you can see, the sleeping bag turned out really nice.  She did a great job!  She is planning on making a couple more for her other dolls.


  1. Wow, I love it! Did you guys do the embroidery yourselves? I love that too!

  2. We were going to but the sewing teacher's software was not cooperating so she did it for us. She did a great job.


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