Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 911

So 10 years have past since the terrorist attack on America.  It seems hard to believe it has been 10 years, and it also seems hard to believe that this tragic event took place at all.

I know life is busy and everyone has their own problems and issues to deal with but please take at least a moment to remember all the innocent people, the fallen heroes, and their families on this day.

I challenge anyone to watch this video and not shed at least one tear.  Turn on the volume for this.

9/11:  The Most Powerful Photos.

September 11th anniversary pictures.  You must look at these!

I would also like to give a special thanks to my husband who is a fire fighter.  He gets up each day and goes to work never knowing what the day will bring.  And, yes, some days bring trash can football, lots of working out, and playing video games but many days bring unimaginable conditions that must be dealt with quickly and professionally to ensure a life will continue the next day.  Fire fighters deal with a lot of stress in their jobs, and they need our support and encouragement EVERY DAY!  It is simply not a job for everyone.  So for these reasons and many more I want to thank my husband for being the best fire fighter he can be and giving my children someone to look up to and be proud of!


Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.