Sunday, June 3, 2012

Adventures in home-schooling, snake dissection

I always think how lucky my kids are that they are home-schooled and have a lot of opportunities.  They are also extremely curious and a little gross too!  As you can see, this poor fellow below was not so lucky!

We did not make it far yesterday on the way to the lake when we were driving down the road and we saw this poor snake coiled up in the road.  Of course, my kids insisted we HAD to rescue it so their dad made a U-turn, stopped the car, and got out in the road and pulled the snake to the side but somehow this was not enough.  NOPE!  They had to get out and investigate the injuries.  We were not far from home so the snake was brought to the field behind our house.  So naturally the next step was to drag it through the field and into our driveway.  Why not?  Sadly, despite the efforts of my 2 junior veterinarians, the snake lost the battle and then he had to endure the inevitable autopsy that followed his death.  Can you see where I am going with my kids are a little gross too.  This is what I mean.  A11 wants to cut up everything that cannot be saved and C12 is right there to take the photos of the mutilated body parts. I think I may call CSI and see if they are hiring kids.  If I call it science, it seems to make it better for me to deal with.  So this snake donated his body to science and maybe dinner as well.

Here are a few of the no less than 84 pictures that C12 took.

Fresh from the road to the field.

The snake is officially dead, I think, and the autopsy begins

This was a pretty big snake.

Skinned and exposed.

Have no idea!

 Post-dissection, the snake's body was returned to the field.  He would have probably been eaten alive anyway judging the remains.
This photo was taken exactly 24 hours later.

Cookie is on the seen.  I really hope she is not the thing that ate the snake for dinner last night!

A close up of the remains.
This was our entertainment for Saturday night.  Good, clean, family fun!

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