Monday, June 25, 2012

End of another successful year in home educating

We are finally finishing up our last 15 days of school for the year.  It seems like just yesterday we started this journey and now, we are finishing up our 7th year and about to start our 8th.  It is hard to believe!  Time goes by very fast.  Both my girls will be in middle school grades next year, and then I will have one in high school.  Crazy!!!!!  I am very, very grateful that she will not be going into public (government) high school for many reasons that I will not list just so I do not offend anyone with my thoughts and opinions because they are, after all, my thoughts and opinions.

I think I am going to make a list of my blog posts for this year (2011-2012) so it is easier for me to see all the topics we have worked on, and there have been many and since the main reason I started this blog was to keep a good school record, it will be a good thing to have quick access to.

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