Saturday, June 30, 2012

My thoughts on raising girls

It is really hard being a kid growing up today but I think it is especially hard being a girl.  There is so much pressure to conform to what our society calls "Beautiful."  I have 2 girls, and I try very hard to make sure they know that they are beautiful in every way, not because of they way they look but because of the way they are.  They know that being skinny with fake boobs, fake tans, and a face full of make up is not important.  What is important is being a good person with a good heart.  

Mothers have a lot of influence on their daughters, this is true, but I believe that fathers play a really big role in how their daughters carry on through life.  Daughters need to be encouraged by their dads to be the best they can be.

I also believe that girls will look for someone like their dad to marry.  Luckily for my girls, they have an excellent father to model this behavior.  I hope they can find someone as good as he is someday.  

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog doing a search on raising girls on Google. I have two girls and will be starting home school for the first time next year (3rd and 5th grade). Thanks for sharing your curriculum loves.


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