Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Why do you homeschool?

We are about to embark on our 8th year of homeschooling. There are over 2 million homeschool students in America and over 5,000 in our county alone which to me speaks volumes on the education system in our neck of the woods.  Every once in a while, someone will ask why we homeschool which is the reason for this blog post.  Even other homeschoolers compare reasons for their choices, and there are a lot of justifiable reasons for homeschooling these days.  I do want to point out that there will always be a need for public schools and teachers will always have a job so homeschooling is not a threat in that way.  I also want to point out that we have to pay for other kids to go to public school, and we also have to pay for our kids education as well which I find ridiculous to have to pay for something that we are not using but that is the government for you.

The other day a neighbor down the street asked us if we could take care of their dog for a few days while they were out of town.  I found this a little odd as we do not know these particular neighbors all that well because they live in another cul-de-sac. So we went to hang out with them and their dog to make sure the dog would not have any problems with us and while we were talking, they asked why we homeschool.  When I get asked this question, I always try to answer in a way that does not offend anyone especially if they have children that utilize the public  (government) schools.  So as I began to answer fumbling on my words a bit, they said its okay, we homeschooled our kids and they are both off in college now.  Whew! They just wanted to know our reasons.  They said that other neighbors had told them we homeschool and that is why they asked us to take care of their dog.  Long boring story, I know.  I tend to ramble on and on.  I just cannot help myself.

So here are just a few of the reasons we homeschool:
~more flexible schedule
~more variety
~learning in a non-hurried, stress-free environment
~covering more information in a way which it can be retained
~having a teacher that wants you to succeed
~no homework after school hours so we can actually have a life
~OKAY, HERE IS THE BIG ONE!  Just keep in mind that I am only expressing my opinions but my opinions are based on what I see in the news, as well as other types of informational sources and research.  We homeschool because of socialization, plain and simple.  I get sick at the thought of all the children that go to school and are bullied, picked on, and made fun of on a daily basis.  I hear people say that this is just part of life and it will make them stronger.  I say that is a big pile CRAP!  I do not believe that being bullied makes a kid stronger, I believe it breaks down their self esteem and they will have trouble later in life.  But hey, that is just what I believe plus there has been plenty of media coverage and reports to back this up. I hate the fact that on occasion, teachers, coaches, counselors, and principles abuse children and often get a way with it.  I hate all of cliques and labeling that happens in government schools.  I also think that the school day is mostly a waste of time with all of the lining up and waiting to be herded to the next class with one hand on your hip and one hand on your lips, waiting to see if the teacher has time to work with a student that needs more help, doing the same thing that all the others in your class are doing, and staying inside a cold brick building all day under fluorescent lighting but again, that is just my opinion.  I just do not get it.  Isn't there more in life than this for kids?  I really do not believe that this environment is conducive to "The real world."  How could it be?  I cannot think of any other situation that has the same dynamics that government schools have.  I know, I went to government school, and I guess I turned out fine, mostly, but schools and kids have changed a lot since my school days.  Kids are more sexually advanced for one thing.  When I was in high school, I only recall one girl that got pregnant in the entire 4 years I was there, just one.  Today, pregnant teenagers are all over our schools.  A neighboring county actually lets the pregnant girls stay in school and some have their high school yearbook pictures with their babies in the pictures with them.  GASP!  What?  Kids are also left on their own more either because their parents work or they just are not hands on parents.  I have heard moms say in front of their kids that they personally could not stand being around their kids all day and they do not see how I do it.  What does this say to the child?  Some of these are actually stay at home moms.  I always want to respond to that statement in the following manner but I never do.  I would like to say, I could not stand to drop my kids off all day for someone else to guide and I do not see how you do it.  I wonder what the response would be.  Maybe I will be brave enough to turn the tables and say it one day.

So there are the main reasons that we homeschool our children.  This is not a complete list by any means.  

We are very social homeschoolers.  We are out in "The real world" a lot doing enrichment classes and other activities.  We have a lot of friends and people to hang out with.  My kids are a little shy around new people at first but you will never find them hiding under a table or being rude to anyone.  They can interact with a broad spectrum of people.  They can hold a conversation with an adult or a 2-year-old equally as well.  I know that is because they have been exposed to many opportunities to interact with all age groups and not just the age group that they are in.

Happy homeschooling!

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