Thursday, November 8, 2012

Proud mamma post

Times are hard for everyone!  Money is in short supply for most of us these days especially with the holidays approaching so I wanted to take a moment to recognize what my sweet A11 has been doing.

A11 participates in Awana at our local church.  If you are not familiar with Awana, it is a group of kids who meet the same night of the week to play, snack, and learn bible verses.  Each week the participants can earn Awana bucks which can be spent on anything they choose at the Awana store.  It is a reward system to encourage your child to read their verses and participate in the group.

Each year at this time, they begin to collect shoe-boxes filled with Christmas gifts to send to those who are truly are less fortunate than we are.  A11 collected  her shoe-boxes and was eager to fill them so that another child would have a nice Christmas morning like she has been enjoying her entire life.  We were able to put a few things in the boxes but (given the current economic crisis we are living in) we do not currently have any extra money to spare.  A11 understood this and came up with a plan to earn extra Awana bucks so that she could buy the supplies for the shoe-boxes instead of spending her Awana earnings on herself.  Her boxes are now full and ready to deliver to Operation Christmas.

I am so proud of her!  I love that she was more determined to give to others than to acquire more for herself.


Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.