Monday, December 24, 2012

Another proud momma post

Today we celebrated Christmas with my side of the family.  My kids received several gifts which mainly consisted of gift cards so that they could do their own shopping since they are at that age.  C13 is all about itunes gift cards at this stage in her life.  She loves music and a variety of music at that.  So after the crowd of full-bellied family members filed out of the door the only thing she wanted to do was to go buy songs off of itunes.  She had been waiting for a few hours and asked me several times when she could do this.  She was very excited but when the time came to actually use the itunes cards, she called me over and asked if it I thought it was okay for her to have that much money for music and said that she felt a little bad that some people are not as fortunate as we are and she has all this money for songs.  Awwww!!!! So sweet for her to think about other people.  These are the moments that parents live for.

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