Friday, December 14, 2012

Taking a minute

Originally, I was going to publish a blog post about stress and the holidays.  I know I cannot be the only one who feels stressed out and worn out from Thanksgiving until the new year.  But instead of complaining about all the shopping, cooking, cleaning, and other mundane tasks that have to be performed so that everything is "Perfect," I want to say how grateful I am that these issues are my biggest problems at the moment.

Unless you live under a rock, you know that there was a horrible shooting in an elementary school in Connecticut today.  Such a senseless act of rage and violence.  Why? Why does this keep happening?  I cannot even image the pain and suffering that the families must be going through.  Such a tragic event.  They send their children off to school and they never come home again.  How is this acceptable?  I could never handle this, not ever!  I truly believe that the this devil of a man who created this catastrophe got off too easily by committing suicide.

Parents will have to plan funerals now instead of enjoying Christmas and holiday break with their families and  I am sure that the survivors and witnesses will never be able to get this out of their minds.  How do you make a 5-year-old understand such a despicable act?  This is certainly going to be one of those life changing moments for all of us.

This unforgivable tragedy has reminded me of something very important that I think we all can be accused of doing.   STOP WHINING AND COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!  If your biggest problems are that you ran out of milk, you had to wait in line at the store,  or someone squeezed the toothpaste in the middle, STOP! Please!  In the grand scheme of things NONE OF THESE THINGS MATTER! SERIOUSLY!  I know I am guilty of all of those.  I know I complain a lot about things that are simply not important!!!

A tragedy like this one also makes you step back and look at your own family.  Do they know you love them?  Do they know that they mean the world to you?  I think now would be an excellent opportunity to let them know and to show them every day how much they mean to you.  Be grateful for your family, all of your family!!  Because at the end of the day, family is really all you need.

To my family, I love all of you, and I am grateful for all of you!!!  

To the families involved.  My deepest sympathies go out to all who were involved in this devastating event.  I know there are no words that can really help get you through this.  

You can read more here.

CNN video coverage.

If you missed President Obama's speech, you can watch it here.


Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.