Monday, January 7, 2013

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, there goes Georgia!!!

photo from TLC
I hate to admit it but last night I let curiosity rule my brain, and I turned on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!  GASP and GAG all at the same time!!!  We actually all watched it husband included.

Let me say first that all reality TV gets on my nerves.  It is just not for me.  I can barely keep up with my own reality let alone the reality of other people.

This Honey Boo Boo caught my attention when the topic came up in one of my social circles and no, she is not in any of my social circles and never will be.  This was mentioned because Honey Boo Boo lives in Georgia just like we do so that is what initially elicited my interest and then I watched her and her mother, Mama June, on the Dr. Drew Pinsky Show and that cemented my interest even further.  This interview was fascinating to watch but not in a good way.  It is the kind of thing you start watching and it is so bad and unbelievable that you have to keep watching.  During the interview, this child could not sit still, stop talking, stop making faces, or even pay attention for the better part of the interview.  If you must, you can watch that nightmare here.

There is a wealth of legitimate reasons why I do not like this show but my biggest reason is because as a true southerner, born and raised in Georgia,  I hate, hate, hate when people associate Georgians with being a bunch of country bumpkins who speak with an atrocious, uneducated accent, drop out of high school at 16 to have babies, hang out at Piggly Wiggly, and marry their cousins.  I do not know anyone like this.  I have never even seen a Piggly Wiggly store in Georgia.  It also seems like this child is being exploited and that is all I will say about that, just not to offend anyone.  

Believe it or not, I do see a positive coming from this show which is the family is making money.  I mean, obviously, none of them look like they are underfed but they do not to appear to be rolling in money so hopefully the ((((($15,000))))) an episode will be put to good use, and I do not mean buying more "Go-go juice"-a mixture of Red Bull and Mountain Dew which this kid can not get enough of.  

Back to the southern thing.  I know some people think that southern accent is cute (I have no idea how this could be construed as cute) but!!!!!  I cannot stand it!  I have never spoken in such a manner.  I can hardly recognize the vocabulary this family uses. They say things like marannaise (mayonnaise), finks (thinks), deez (these), tearin (tearing), dolla (dollar), fenagly (anything longer than 4 words).  You almost need a foreign language dictionary to figure out what they are talking about.  They also have a few catchphrases such as vajiggle-jaggle which translates into an obese person with fat rolls and you better redneckadize which means to recognize something from the redneck culture.  Make it stop, please!

Well, there you have it.  My personal views of the show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.  Like I said, my main reason for not liking the show is the negative portrayal of southerners.  You will find a few like Honey Boo Boo and her clan but not the majority. 

1 comment:

  1. I just started watching it last night on youtube and I actually enjoyed it..


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