Sunday, January 20, 2013

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger

I think we have all heard this quote and may have even repeated it to a friend or family member during a rough patch to reassure that things will get better but unless you have been through a personal life-altering experience yourself, I do not believe you fully understand of this quote.  It is an easy enough thing to say but when you are the recipient of this quote, you may think it is crap!  The quote originates from a German philosopher, Friedrich Neitzsche.  The exact quote "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."  

I found out the hard way that Mr. Neitzsche is correct in this quote because I am currently going through the hardest time in my life and luckily, I am still alive!!!!  I am waiting on the stronger part.  I think it will just take time but I can get there, and  I will because of my girls.  I would do anything for them, and I would never let my actions cause them any pain.  They need me to be strong now for them, and I will be.

So when life is kicking your butt, kick back!
Fall down seven times, stand up eight! (Japanese proverb)

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