Monday, January 28, 2013

Yet another brag....

but this time, it is about myself.  As most of you regular readers know, I work from home typing medical reports (medical transcription).  This is not always an easy task when you consider that I also have 2 kids here full-time who are always making noise, running up and down the stairs, and blasting music by Kayne West or Usher in the background as soon as I start typing.  There are occasional cats fights between our 2 male cats which can be pretty loud and distracting when they are chasing each other through the house and usually we will start chasing them and yelling to get them to stop which probably makes it worse as soon as I start typing.  There are also times when A11 will let her new parakeets out of their cage and they fly about the room aimlessly and when she cannot catch them, I have to go help as soon as I start typing.  The television is also on occasionally when I am trying to type at night, and for some reason as soon as I start typing, one or the other of my kiddos has a splinter, a computer issue, a hunger pain, or some other issue that has to be dealt with at the very moment.

So I know you are wondering what is the brag in this.  I was recently audited by the company that I work for.  There is a standard that has to be maintained in order to keep your job.  The scale is out of 100% and my score was 98.06% even with all of those distractions.  So good for me!

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