Friday, February 1, 2013

How is your new year going?

So most of you have already found out that all those New Year's resolutions are not panning out like you imaged they would.  I know mine have not, in fact, my life is taking me down a completely different path than I had anticipated but that is just the way it goes!  Right? I think we all start the new year with great hope for what lies ahead only to find that by February, what we had such hopes for have already fizzled away and all of the anticipation and excitement for making this "The best year ever" have completely come unraveled  and you have to set some new goals but this time, you must achieve what you set out to do.

Do not stray from your new path.  Stay focused on what you have to do and spend the next 11 months doing so to achieving your new goals so that when it is time to make those New Year's resolutions for next year, you will be closer than ever to making the most out of your new year.

Decide what to do and go do it!!  I am actually looking forward to what my new year will bring!!!!

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