Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More adventures!

As homeschoolers, every day brings something new or different.  No 2 days look alike for most of us.  Good things, bad things, lets just go things, change in plans things, all kinds of things which is awesome since that is the way the "Real world" works.  Sitting in a building for 8 dreary hours is not real life but don't get me started on that again.

Now to the point of this blog.  This morning the "Real world" was happening which required a trip out of the house.  So after our errand was completely, we decided to make a library run (in homeschooling that just means go to the library).  As we were traveling down the road talking about current life events, suddenly we see an explosion of feathers falling all around us because the car in front of us hit a mourning dove that was apparently just trying to get to the other side of the road.  Then we see the poor bird flung into the parking lot of a business that was on the other side of the road.  So............with kids screaming "Mommy go back and get  the bird, we saw where it went," I made my U-turn and drove back half a mile to this business to find this poor, featherless bird.  The girls jump out of the car and start chasing this little bird hopping around the best he could to get away from them and hid himself under a bush.  So picture this, a mom and 2 girls chasing a bird under a bush with a recycled cloth bag trying to catch it while the people in the building were watching because this building was mostly windows.  I cannot image what they must have been thinking until they actually saw us pull the bird out from under the bush and wrapped it in the cloth bag. What a scene!  And now, with bird in hand, we are off to the vet which luckily was a mile away.  This is not the first time we have brought in an injured wildlife animal to them so when they saw us coming, they were like "What do you have for us today?  Let me get the form for you to fill out."  They were really surprised when it was a mourning dove.  The girls were holding him and he was very calm when we handed him over.  C13 said she wanted to bring it home but I think we have all the animals we can handle at the moment.  The dove actually seemed okay but all of his tail feathers were gone so my bird expert A11 said without tail feathers he cannot fly.  We took a few pictures of him with my cell phone and I will try to download and post them later.  We really hope he will be okay but if not, at least we know we tried to do a good thing.

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Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.