Monday, September 8, 2014

Crash course biology by Hank Green #2, Water - Liquid Awesome.

image from the web
We are loving this crash course biology by Hank Green.
Hank is very
entertaining even though he is teaching biology.  C15 is actually on lesson #10 but it just takes me a while to post the lessons because I am so busy raising my girls and working but I will get to everything eventually.

Here are a few things we learned from Hank.

*water is indeed liquid awesome.

image from the web
*all life depends on water.

*water can present in solid, liquid, and/or gas form.

*water has the highest cohesion of any nonmetallic liquid.

image from the web
*water can defy gravity through a process called capillary action.

*water is an amazing solvent.

*more substances can be dissolved in water than any other liquid including acid.

*water has a high surface tension.

Here is a fun experiments with water.
Science kids-water defying gravity.

image from the web
Here is a youtube video for water defying gravity.

Here is a great animated webpage with surface tension and capillary action.

Here you will find a higher level definition and explanation for a few of the terms above.

This lesson was pretty easy and short.  Next up for crash course biology is Biological Molecules-You are what you eat.  You can find that lesson here.

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