Thursday, September 11, 2014

Crash course biology by Hank Green #3, Biological molecules-You are what you eat.

Biological molecules-You Are What You Eat.  Hank Green.

What are biological molecules anyway?  The short answer is any molecule that is produced by a living organism.  For example, proteins (are long chains of amino acids), nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), lipids (are hydrophobic-afraid of water and they separate out away from water-i.e. they do not dissolve in water), and carbohydrates (sugar)are all biological molecules.  These are the ingredients for life.

~Carbohydrates = sugar and sugar is the source of all energy. C6H12O
~Monosaccharide is a simple sugar,  Mono = one and saccharide = sugar.
~Disaccharides is composed of two monosaccharides.  Di = two and saccharides = sugar.

~Food is broken down into three categories:

*Saccharinous = carbs
*Oleaginous = fats
*Albuminous = proteins

This lesson was fairly short and easy so we did not spend a lot of time on it.
Next up:  In da club, Membranes and transport #5.

Here is a great site for more.
More about molecules.

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