Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Help for women trying to divorce and co-parent with a self-absorbed, narcissistic, sociopath.

Image belongs to: Your Tango
This is one of the most difficult things a woman can do but hang in there, it will get better.  You have to learn how to not let them push your buttons, document everything, and severe all contact unless it is directly related to the children.  Eventually, asking over and over again when the child support money is coming, when are you going to give them money for clothes and necessities, and such, it gets you no where.  Anyone that does not support their own kids willingly has a problem and is a problem but the courts will take care of that.  You just have to wait for it to happen.  I feel bad for all of you in that situation but look at it this way, your kids see who is doing what and they know who is taking care of them.  They won't forget it either. Feel free to contact me privately.

Abused Sanctuary blog
Paula Renee at Wordpress
The Narcissistic Partner and the Relationship Agenda 
The Huffington Post
The Journey Never Ends Wordpress blog

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