Sunday, May 3, 2015

A heartfelt thank you to a certain someone.

I am a firm believer in giving thanks where it is due.  I thank people on my blog all the time, and I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity, that is long overdue, to give a special thanks to one person in particular that has shaped my life over the years.

Thank you for being a lying, cheating, lousy, worthless, piece of trash, and I mean that sincerely.  You see, if you had not been such a lying, cheating, lousy, worthless, piece of trash, I would not have been able to be the person that am I now.  My only regret is that I did not realize this sooner. You are a master of disguises.

It was because you lied, I learned the truth and how important it is to be truthful.
It was because you cheated, I learned that no one is going to put my feelings aside and potentially jeopardize my health.
It was because you were (are) lousy, I learned how great I actually am and never gave myself credit for.
It was because you were (are) worthless, I learned how valuable I really am.
It was because you are a piece of trash, I learned what a treasure I am.

Your weakness made me strong, your selfishness made me generous, your self-absorbed attitude made me selfless.

It is truly because of you that I now realize just how amazing I am.  I am a better person, a better mother, a better friend than I ever was before.  It appears being unhappy and trapped for almost two decades can really take a toll on a person so thank you so very, very much for forcing me to see YOU and who you really are so when I walked away from you, it was one of the best days ever.  My biggest regret is that I just let you play your game for so long before I shut it down.  The truth is, I really did not care.  Being who you are turned out to be a gift for me.  A gift that was camouflaged so well for so long.  That gift made every decision I made since that time easy, justifiable, and long overdue.  If only you had revealed your true colors sooner but nevertheless, thank you!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart because if you had not been who you are, I would not be the person I am today either.  I would probably still be an unhappy person wondering why I had the misfortune of being stuck with a con artist like you.

When bad things happen, a typical first thought for most is what did I do to deserve this?  You have to rearrange your way of thinking.  You have to think what am I supposed to learn from this.  I really have learned a lot!  A lot of things I did not necessarily want to learn but I guess it was part of the plan to shape me into the person that I am now.

So thank you, thank you, thank you again for being the phony, bankrupt, scamming, charlatan, double life-living fraud that you are.  If you had been raised differently, I might have never found out how great I am.  You really did me a favor because I know what I am worth and what I can accomplish now all thanks to you, and believe me when I say, I AM SO GRATEFUL!  I am also grateful that I got rid of you.  Please do not be upset when you read this (I know you and your little supporters will be-and be sure to send a copy to your lawyer). You know it is all true and this is a fantastic way to put closure to a worn out issue and a worn out person (that would be you).  I honestly can't say thanks for the memories because, well, you know.......................................Oh no, I think I have the makings of a Taylor Swift song.  Taylor if you see this, give me a call, we can work out a deal.

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