Saturday, July 28, 2018

What to expect in LA when you rent a car while you are on vacation......

Expect to pay a LOT of money on parking anywhere and EVERYWHERE you go!  The beach, the mall, a restaurant, and even pay to park at Target.  Pay to park at Target?  I know!

Don't bother trying to be cute and park and get in and out quickly because we saw a few cars being towed away.  What a stink!

 Literally $2.00 for 15 minutes.

Good luck finding an available parking meter but if you do, these money-suckers are $2.00 for about an hour.

Who in the world would have thought that it would cost between $16 to $40 to take your kids to a beach?  Certainly not me!  Hey, LA, you can keep your murky brown-water beaches.

How about taking an Uber or a Lyft?  That sounds like a good idea but for as many things as we did, it would have been too much trouble to arrange transportation for everything we did.  Plus it is expensive.  It cost almost $3.00 just to book a driver, both Uber and Lyft charge about $1.10 each and every mile, and there is a minimum of fee of about $6.00.  Try not to cancel because they will charge you $5.00 automatically.  Just one example, we went to The Forum twice.  It was approximately 21+ miles from our hotel.  That is $23.10 one way, oh, and don't forget that $3.00 fee which makes the trip there about 26.10 so there and back is a grand total of $52.20.  It would save you the ridiculous $25.00 plus tax to park at The Forum but we prefer to drive and just eat the gas and parking fees.

And one last thing, the price of gas while we were in LA was between $4.29 and $4.99 a GALLON!  One freaking gallon of gas.................So glad we had a fuel-efficient car while we were there.  I do not know how people live in LA.  More to come!

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