Thursday, November 7, 2013

A few things that I would simply NEVER do......

*Obviously, the first thing that comes to mind is that I would never give my baby beer.  This picture is hilarious though!  Or maybe it is just a bottle of apple juice?

*I would never abandon my children, NO MATTER WHAT!

*I would never let my children feel abandoned.

*I would never make my kids feel like they were not good enough.

*I would never cheat on my spouse, happy or not.

*I would never "allege" that someone did something without proof to back it up.

*I would never let my children feel they were being replaced and flaunt pictures on the internet.

*I would never forget to call my children and say good night if I was not with them for some reason.

This is my short list.  There are a lot of things I simply would not do but for now, this is the list.

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