Thursday, November 21, 2013

On our way!

It is about 3:15 p.m., and we are about to leave for our 8 p.m. early showing of Catching Fire.  When we picked up tickets, they said if you want a good seat be here by 6 p.m.  Ughhh!!!  Out of the 250 seats available, 250 seats are filled.  I am thinking we need to be the first group of about 30 that goes in to get a decent seat.

I am glad we are going a day before the official release and that it is not the midnight showing which I was almost talked into but still, I think of being stuck in a dark theater with 247 other people breathing, coughing, and whatever else-B.O. for 2-1/2 hours, I kinda cringe a little.  Oh well, it must be done!

It starts at 8 which means it really starts around 8:20 because of trailers and commercials, etc so that puts us coming out at about 11ish.  We are usually still awake at 11 but I prefer to be home at that time and not driving.  I hope this movie does not disappoint!

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