Sunday, December 1, 2013

Build-It music class

My girls took a new class at enrichment last semester.  The class was to allow the kids to create instruments so as to discover the mechanisms behind the instruments, see how they actually produce music.  This was the favorite.  Cigar box guitars.  And no, we do not smoke cigars, the music teacher collected the boxes and brought them in.

My pictures are not all that great but you can see the idea.  Cigar boxes, guitar strings, a piece of wood for the handle, and a little hardware to hold the strings and handle on.  These are not the same in that one of my girls is left-handed and the other is right-handed and as you can see here, the handles are facing different directions.

Hopefully, these pics are self-explanatory.

The black guitar is C14s.

Of course the one with the parrot on it is A12s.   One of her friends actually picked this one but gave it to her to use. 

So pretty cool!  Each class they made a different instrument.  The last class was supposed to involve an empty wine bottle and a blowtorch and I am a little glad that we ran out of time for that one.  Who knows what that would have yielded.

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