Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sea sponges-Phylum Porifera (porous)

~Did you know that a sea sponge is an animal?  They do not have a brain, other organs, or a heart but they are still classified as animals.

~They can also reproduce.

~They are considered to be hermaphrodites.

~The sea sponge is a primordial (original) animal.

~They have lived on earth for around 500 million years.

~Sponges can grow up to 10 feet wide.

~Sea sponges can live 9000 feet down in the ocean where sunlight never reaches.

~There are around 5000 species of sponges.

~They eat by filtering plankton and other organic materials through their pores.

~A few species of sponges are carnivorous.

~A sponge can regrow itself.

~The can live to be 200 years old.

~It is also believed that the ancient Greeks and Romans used sponges to pad their helmets to soften the blows by their enemies.

Pretty interesting information.  A sea sponge was part of the dissection kit that C14 got with the marine biology course.  She did the experiment which included cutting the sponge and making observations and illustrations of what she saw.  Even though this sponge has been preserved for science, A12 wanted to see if we could put it in salt water and regenerate it.  We will see what happens.  The other half went in the hermit crab tank as C14 did not want to simply throw it away.  I am surprised they did not ask to bury it in the yard with the other critters.  Only my kids!

Enchanted learning

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