Sunday, February 9, 2014


Venezuela is a little more than twice the size of California and is home to around 29 million people of which approximately 96% are Roman Catholic.  The official language is Spanish but there are numerous other dialects spoken as well.  The capital is Caracas.  The lowest point is the Caribbean Sea, and the highest point is Pico Bolivar.  Venezuela has a  tropical climate.  Nicolas Maduro Moros is the current president of Venezuela.  Their currency is the bolivar.

Venezuela is home to the Spectacle bear  (Tremarctos ornatus).  Also known as the Andean bear. The Spectacle bear is the only species of bear in South America.  It is called the Spectacle bear due to the white rings around its eyes.  They look like glasses.  

The national symbol of Venezuela is the Venezuelan Troupial (Icterus icterus).  You can read more about this "New World Oriole" here.

~Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world at 980 meters.
~They export aluminum, chemicals, petroleum, and steel.
~Venezuela means Little Venice.
~Carib Indians were the first to inhabit Venezuela and the first Spanish explorers settled in Venezuela in 1520.
~Part of the Amazon Rainforest is in Venezuela.
~Can you believe that gas is only 8 cents a gallon in Venezuela?  Venezuela is an oil-rich country.
~Venezuela has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world.
~There are only two seasons in Venezuela; hot and dry and hot and wet.
~During the Christmas season, you will see people roller skating to church.

Read more at factmonster.
current news -protesting the current President Maduro leads to chaos and jail time, February 4, 2014.

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