C14 insisted I put a warning on this blogpost in case there were any spoilers that I may accidentally give or if any links that are followed contain spoilers so be warned. I am not going into great details about the book or movie, this is mostly about the experience of the Red Carpet, Q&A event. Proceed with caution just in case.
I am not sure where to start but we were so lucky we had a chance to go to one of the Red Carpet, Q&A tours for The Fault in Our Stars movie coming out on June 6th.
I guess I will just start by saying by the time we got to the location we were going to (4 hours early), there were already at least 2,000+ people waiting. They were mostly teen-aged girls but I think that was to be expected (at least by me). Some of those people had already been there for 14 hours, just standing in the hot sun, getting sunburned! I don't know how they did it. There was easily over 3,000 people there by the time it was over, and I have the bruises and ringing in my left ear to prove it!
The excitement began at 5 p.m. with trivia games and a local radio station playing music and pumping up the crowd. The author, John Green, and the cast of the movie were supposed to walk the Red Carpet at 6:30. They started about 15 minutes late (boo). I heard a lot of complaining in the crowd about how they needed to hurry up but finally when John Green took his first step on the Red Carpet, mayhem broke loose, I mean total freaking chaos! No one seemed to mind anymore that they were in fact, late.
My girls sort of crowded in to stand by the barrier between the crowd and the Red Carpet, just like everyone else was doing, and they maintained their position which turned out to be one of the best spots to be standing. I had to get out of there as after a while of being hit repeatedly by skinny girl elbows, I was starting to bruise. C14 has a collector's copy of The Fault in Our Stars and when John Green made it her way, he promptly signed her book and told her how much he liked her shirt, OMG, what? I mean she was wearing a Fault in Our Stars shirt but he was speaking directly to her and she thanked him. Awesome!
John Green (silver marker) |
You may remember him as Caleb from Divergent (Tris' brother). His role in Divergent was not quite to the magnitude as his role in The Fault in Our Stars, he has definitely made a name for himself playing the part of Augustus Waters the lead male in the film and love interest for Hazel and best friend to Isaac. I will admit this kid is CUTE!! He was very confident working the crowds. He also signed C14's book but he signed the outside cover, not the inside as the others did. The outside cover has John Green's signature carved into it and even John Green signed the inside. I just found that funny!
Ansel Elgort |
When she got to C14, she signed her book, and C14 was able to ask Shailene a question which was if she was nervous to see what the fans thought of the movie. Shailene replied "Not really. I feel like everyone has worked hard on the movie to make it perfect." She smiled at C14 and told her that she was excited! Love her!
Shailene Woodley |
Nat Wolff |
As soon as the Red Carpet portion concluded, the fans with reservations for the Q&A were inside for the stars to take the stage and answers their questions. We did not have a reservation since they had been sold out for weeks. There was another line, of course, for go-in wannabees so guess what happened? Yep! We got in line, and we were herded in like cows to the event. WHAT? Is this for real? We could not believe it! We were going in to hang out with the cast and John Green.
The place was not all that big but no one cared. It was loud as every scream echoed off the stage and was sent right back into the audience.
In between screams, a fan got to ask a question. C14 had a question but we were too far back so she did not get to ask her question. One of the questions that stuck out to me was when a kid asked Shailene Woodley who was her favorite character that she has played so far. She has been in a few movies lately so I am sure that would not have been an easy question for her to answer, especially since she was there promoting her character Hazel. She was fumbling a bit with her answer when John Green cut her off and said he would prefer she not answer that since he is good friends with Veronica Roth (author of Divergent) and it would not be fair as the roles she has had were so vastly different. Shailene responded jokingly that her favorite was Trazel, a mix of Tris and Hazel.
Not long after that, a question was posed to Ansel Elgort. He was asked if he has any secret talents that no one knows about or something to this effect. He turned a little red in the face and laughed, and was trying to say no, not really when everyone cheered him on. Apparently, his secret talent is that he can channel his inner Michael Jackson. He started dancing MJ-style and the cheering was so loud, my ears were ringing. Nat Wolff began to beatbox so Ansel continued to dance. I admit for a skinny, white boy, he did a good job with the dancing. You can watch the Youtube video here.
They were all lovely and very sincere in their interactions with their fans. I am so glad we spent some time learning Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics, otherwise we could only have read John Green's signature.
C14 said it was the best time she has ever had. These are the memories that she will carry with her. I am so, so happy that we could be a part of this event! Barnes and Noble is holding a book club for The Fault in Our Stars that C14 has signed up for. They are going to die when they hear all of this and see her book!
I am pretty sure there will be a lot of tears when the movie hits the theaters June 6th. I know there will be a few from me for sure!
In my opinion, there are no faults in these stars. They are awesome!
Facebook page-John Green
More John Green
Trailer clip from IMDb-get tissues
Entertainment Weekly
Fault in Our Stars FB page
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