Friday, June 20, 2014

Child support.....

is for the children so when you don't pay it, what are you really saying to the children?  Are you saying they are unworthy?  Are you saying that you are more important than they are?  That is probably the case especially if you get to be 4, 5, 6, or 7 payments behind.  Hmmm.....think about that the next time you spend $8 at the drive-thru just on yourself.  Or when you are picking out that perfect phone with all the apps.  This is a powerful message you send when you do not pay child support.  You are the most important person in your life, you and you alone.  Just remember that there will be a time that this will catch up with you but it will be too late.  So go ahead and keep buying your friends birthday presents and going all around the town without a care in the world, don't worry about the children, they will make it through despite you.  They probably will not be too happy about it and you should not expect anything from them.

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