Wednesday, December 3, 2014

When you eat like crap, you feel like crap!

Making good food choices is not an easy thing to do especially when you are always on the go, working three jobs, homeschooling two teens, being an active part of the local homeschool group and church, and just life.

We are vegetarians and just that fact alone improves our health statuses overall but problems can start when you eat for the wrong reasons, use foods to celebrate this and that, eat when you are emotional whether it is happy or sad, and when there are too many sugary snacks and junk food on a consistent basis.  Everything in moderation.  No one needs dessert every night, no one!  You have to form good habits when your kiddos are young so they can make good choices.

Here are a few things we have tried lately and what we thought.

Daiya cheese.  We chose Swiss cheese flavor.  This was a little expensive, and we did not really think it was all that great.  It was creamy but there was just something about it that did not do it for us.  This was the first time trying this, and I am going to try a different flavor and see what we think.  If we do not like it again, I guess we will live without it.

This on the other hand is really good.  They are fairly spicy, they do look a little weird when you first open the package but I think it is because the vacuum seal is so tight.  This we will definitely be getting again.
  Recipes on Pinterest.

Normally, I only buy MorningStar veggie meatballs because they are hands down the best there is!
The store was out of the MorningStar veggie meatballs when we went
but I found these and gave them a try.  These are by Gardein.
These were not bad but not as good as the MorningStar veggie meatballs are.
They are a little nuttier tasting and the consistency is not
as smooth as the MorningStar veggie meatballs but overall, not bad.  Gardein, however, does have a very good veggie chicken style tender that is absolutely delicious, a stuffed Turk'y, and  Mandarin chicken crispy chick'n.  

We have used this for a while now, I just love it so I am adding it in.  Sugar is not good for you especially the highly processed, bleached out white sugar.  Raw sugar has a golden color, the way nature intended.  The color comes from the natural molasses that is in sugar.  You do not need to use as much as the white stuff either.  I cannot even get started on how bad artificial sweeteners are, I just can't!  Never use artificial sweetners. Either use Stevia, sugar in the raw, or Blue Agave.

Delicious and nutritious.

You cannot lose with anything Annie's.

We always have plain, unsalted Blue Diamond almonds. 
The coconut roasted almonds are amazing too!

I have never bought any Cascadian Farm products we did not like.

Special K is another never fails product.

Finally, an eggnog beverage that is delicious but without the disgusting egg in it.
It is also dairy free, casein free, and has no saturated fat or cholesterol.
A dream come true.  The bad news is that these are seasonal.
Learn more here.
I have a few more things to add after we give them a try so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.