Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Who doesn't love geometry? C15, that is who!

Or math, or algebra, or ....
I have this amazingly smart young lady that hates any kind of math and every kind of math.  She does not discriminate on the hate of math.  I am not sure why, she has always score well-over 90% but she hates it no matter what.

This year for tenth grade we are using Teaching Textbooks Geometry.  Traditional 10th grade geometry is Euclidean geometry. The section C15 is working on now is a direct tie in to her world history which is a great bonus even if she does not think so.

Who is Euclid and what is Euclidean geometry anyway?

~Euclid was born approximately 330 BC and died approximately 260 BC.

~Euclid, a Greek mathematician, is known as the Father of Geometry because of his revolutionary ideas, and his textbook called Elements which was written in the year 300 BC.  The word Euclid
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means good glory in Greek.

~It is thought that Euclid attended Plato's Academy in Athens prior to moving to Alexandria, Egypt.

~Geometry can be dated back to as far as ancient Egypt around 3000 BC.

~The word geometry means earth measure.

~Euclid wanted to prove that by using logic and reasoning, you could find out if things are true or not.  For example, the idea that all right angles are equal.  Euclid used logic and reasoning and prove that to be the case.

~Whether we like math or not, we still must learn it.  Geometry is a good math topic for C15 since she is a photographer.  The relationship between geometry and photography is an important one-i.e. aerial photography, photogammetry, depth perception, triangulation, and on and on.  Here is a free book called the Handbook of Aerial Photography if you want to learn more.

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