Friday, February 6, 2015

A Kingdom versus an Empire?

image from the web
We have been traveling the world for quite some time in our homeschooling adventures.

click image for source
Currently, we are making our last trek through the history of the world.

I know that I have defined the terms kingdom and empires throughout our journey but I am going to define them one final time in case you missed it.

What is the difference between a kingdom and an empire?

The terms are used in the general sense but there are a few differences.  For example, a kingdom is ruled by a king (or queen when they are lucky) and an empire is ruled by an emperor.  Duh!

The United Kingdom (the British Empire) is a great example of both a kingdom and an empire.  It is also a little lot confusing.

A kingdom is usually ruled by one king or queen (royal family) making it a monarchy (mono=one).
image from the web

An empire is a group of various ethnic peoples, colonies, provinces, and states within a region ruled separately by governors or kings that rule under the name of the emperor for that region.  The Latin word Imperium means authority/power.

Think about the United Kingdom for a minute.  The United Kingdom is made up of several countries.  Within the United Kingdom are four equally sovereign nations which are England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.  Technically these would all be considered to be British but the general population from each nation prefers not to be called British as they do not really like each other all that much.  The population of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales do, however, have a British passport.
image from the web

On a side note, the term Great Britain is used to refer to England, Scotland, and Wales leaving Northern Ireland out by design.

Now think of an empire.  An empire is a group of various ethnic peoples, colonies, provinces, and states.  These different groups of peoples and regions are ruled separately by governors or kings that rule under the name of the emperor.  The Latin word Imperium means authority/power.  The British Empire is the best example of an empire.  The British Empire contains colonies, small kingdoms, and provinces around the world that were under British rule but are not part of the British Kingdom. Huh? Lost yet?

For now just remember, a kingdom is governed by a king/queen and an empire is a group of various territories/peoples under the rule of an emperor.

Great video
Emperor vs. King comparison chart.

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