Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Baby, its COLD outside!

Cold is putting it mildly!  Everything is basically frozen.  Here are just a few of the random pics that C15 and I have been taking.  (The better pics are not mine, of course!)
Branches, plain but pretty.

Frozen weird berry-things.

Frozen pine cones. 

Pine tree.

This cute little black-capped chickadee is waiting for a turn at the bird feeder.

And so are these male cardinals.
This is the house two doors over.  If you look really close,
you can see four crazy pigeons
sitting on the rooftop.   Luckily, they are too big
for the bird feeder or they would eat it all.
Nothing can stop Cookie Butt, not snow,
not ice, not even 10 degree weather.
I love this crazy cat! 
Just because it is pretty.

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