"How do you do it all?" I hear this at least once a week from someone. I have blogged about this many times.
I read this every day! |
Here is the truth. I don't! I can't! No one can but my kids are the reason for everything I do. I can't give up, I can't fall apart, I can't settle for less. I can't, can't, can't........because of my girls. So every day I do anything and everything I can to make sure they have what they need as best I can. If they are happy, I am happy. Plus they see that I can work multiple jobs, homeschool them both, volunteer in the community, and do the dozens of other activities I do each week. They see what picking up the pieces and moving on looks like. I never imagined this would be my life but I am so grateful it is. I am such a different person than I was a year and a half ago. I am strong and fierce. I am not putting up with anybody for any reason. I don't have to so why would I? I am so freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......... I do things now that I did not think I would be doing and having a great time. It is so nice not being underneath someone else's shadow. I am a much better everything single than I ever was married. Maybe it depends on the person you marry but who cares? Not me! My life is better than it has been in years in so many ways. As long as my girls are happy and healthy, and they are, I am happy. At the end of the day, family is all that matters. I feel sorry for people who screw up their lives because they are selfish or stupid. One day they will see what they have done but it will be too late.
My fascination for all things haunted continues. This time Lake Lanier is my haunted focus. Specifically the Lady of the Lake. A lit...
We have been studying decomposition. It is a fairly easy concept to grasp but this experiment helped by given a visual of what really happe...
Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.
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