Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Amazing things that happened on April 16th throughout history.

Below is a list of a few amazing events that took place throughout history on April 16th along with a few famous folks that were born on April 16th.

Geoffrey Chaucer tells the Canterbury Tales at the court of Richard II. 1397
Columbus signs a contract with Spain to find the Indies. 1492
Charles VI becomes the Holy Roman Emperor. 1711
George Washington is sworn in as the first president. 1789
Battle of Warsaw. 1793
11,745 immigrants arrived on Ellis Island, NY. 1907
The debut of Daffy Duck, Elmer J. Fudd, and Petunia Pig. 1937
WWII: Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany. 1941
The Ford Mustang was introduced at $2,368. 1964
Jerrie Mock becomes the first woman to fly solo around the world. 1964
Paul McCarntey's first solo album released. 1970
Apollo 16 departs for the moon. 1972
Jack Kevorkian participates in first assisted suicide. 1990
A guilty verdict in Federal case against the cop who beat Rodney King was reached. 1993
Planes were grounded across the UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia due to volcanic ash coming from Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano. 2010
Nigeria holds a presidential election. 2011
The rescue of 174 people from a South Korean ferry that capsized off the coast. 2014

A few great people were born on April 16th which includes: Charlie Chapman, Pope Benedict XVI, Jon Cryer, Wilbur Wright, Martin Lawrence, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

This is just a small fraction of the historical events from April 16th but they all pale in comparison to the most special event that took place on April 16th, 2001.  This is when supergirl was born.  Today, she turns 14 years old.  I cannot believe it even though I know it to be true.

It is difficult for me to say what I love most about her because there are so many things but I think it is her spunk that is her most endearing quality.  She is so independent and such a free thinker.  She is strong and stubborn but sweet and sensitive all rolled up into one.  Watching her grow and develop into the person she is now makes me so proud.  

Happy birthday supergirl!!!  I love you like crazy!

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