~Study what you want, when you want, where you want. This works out great when the girls are on set or just have other things to do.
~Even if you go to campus classes, it does not necessarily mean you will be making friends. Some classes have over 200 students in a class and the classes are approximately 55 minutes each. It would be a daunting task to try to get to know fellow classmates in this environment. Online classes require students to use online bulletin boards, mailing lists, and chat rooms. Interacting with fellow classmates is not optional, it is mandatory. No other technology in history has connected more people than the internet.
~Online courses are a better value. Think about it. Not driving to campus several days a week is saving money. Not having to buy meals out when you are attending campus classes is saving you money. If you work, you do not have to miss days to attend classes. Interesting to note is that even students who reside in the college dorms will actually take as many online classes as they can. An online class may cost $49 while the same class on campus will cost $399. Now I am not all that great with math but I think this is a no-brainer.
~If you are looking to improve your virtual communication skills, online classes are the perfect way to do so. Conveying messages, Skyping presentations, and video conferencing are all part of online classes and very important tools to master in the 21st Century. Online classes will strengthen your navigation skills as you will have to learn how to download lectures, quizzes, and other materials needed for the course you have signed up for. Digital communication is the present and the future.
~Online classes will teach you how to self-discipline. No one will be looking over your shoulder and holding you accountable for the work that is due. Online learning is student-centered. No procrastination allowed. It takes a great deal of maturity to participate in online programs. How successful you are is up to you.
This is a small, abbreviated version of why online classes are such a good options for students everywhere. It is hard to question the obvious. Life is a classroom.
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