Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fear TWD season 4 finale.....

The main reason we were watching anyway.
So I have been a consistent fan of The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead but lately, it has just been a bunch of crap, and I barely watched or paid attention to either of the shows, even though C19 has been in several episodes of The Walking Dead over the past few years.  One would think it would be fun to watch a show with their kid in it but.......I don't what happened to either of these shows.  They started crossing over characters and the main characters have been quitting left and right to move on to better things which I totally understand.  Tonight is the finale of Fear and next week is the opener for The Walking Dead, and we have people coming over to watch the premiere, even though, we all have reservations about the show at this point with Carl being killed off (which I absolutely could not care one bit about) and now Rick is leaving the show (I think he is so smart for leaving the show that everyone has started hating on plus they keep dragging the characters from TWD to Fear, and I really do not have any appreciation for the characters that are leaving TWD for Fear but that is just my opinion).  We decided to go ahead and watch the Fear finale tonight and see if they can redeem themselves because for a hot minute, Fear was better than TWD.  Since we already invited neighbors up to watch the premiere of TWD next Sunday, we will be watching but after that, I cannot make any promises about whether or not I will be watching from that point on, even though, my kid is in it.

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