Friday, June 8, 2012

It happened!

I turned around and C12 became a teenager!

I cannot believe my first born child is now a teenager.  The idea of having a teenager is daunting to a lot of parents but luckily I do not feel any apprehension about having a teenager.  She is a great girl, and I anticipate no changes in behavior.  The beginning of the teens years can be hard for parents and teenagers but I believe that she has been given a great foundation by myself, her father, her sister, grandparents, aunts, cousins, and her friends.  Other than feeling older, I have no problems and welcome this new stage in life.

I feel so blessed to have been given such a great child.  She is such a sweet soul.  Don't get me wrong, she has her moments but overall she is a delight.

A note to C13,

I love you, and I am so glad you are my daughter.  I cannot image even one moment of my life without you.  You are a good, kind person and I am lucky to have you.  Smart, talented, good looking, sweet, and the list could go on forever and I still could not list everything you are.  I hope you know that I do cherish you and I always want the best for you.  I know you can do anything you set your mind to (and yes, you still have to do math, sorry). 

Happy birthday C13, enjoy your teen years!

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