Tuesday, June 12, 2012

More Hunger Games

We are still surviving The Hunger Games.  There are so many lessons that I am having to eliminate some.  There is just not enough time left in the arena this school year. 

Here is a list of more topics we are covering and a few we are still working on.

~government (who can really understand this one?)
~social classes
~growing up in coal country
~name origins and meanings
~more plant studies
~world hunger
~wild dog packs (history of the canine species)

These topics should bring us to the end of our school year.  This has oddly been a fun unit to work on.  I was surprised how much we enjoyed this study.  I was very skeptical in the beginning due to the theme of the book but I found my way past it and decided to give it a try and I am glad I did.  There are a lot of lessons in this story that you can actually relate to except, of course, the killing.  The world can be cruel, and it is good to know how to deal with it and how different situations and environments can affect you and shape the person you are or will become.  Some make you weak and some make you strong but you have to stay true to yourself regardless of your circumstances and fight for what you believe in.  No matter what!

Happy Hunger Games

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Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.