Thursday, June 14, 2012

Transit of Venus

Finally getting to this post.  The transit of Venus happened on June 6th, and we are very glad we were able to witness this phenomenon and C13 was able to get a few pictures of it with her older camera.

If you do not know what the transit of Venus is I will give a brief description and add a link to NASA with a great article.

I tend to ramble so I will try to keep it brief so not to cause more confusion.  The transit of Venus is basically just that, a transit of the planet Venus across the face of the sun.  It appears as a dark disk which is extremely hard to see since you should never look directly at the sun.  Here are 2 of the better pictures taken at different stages. 

The next 2 transits will occur in 2117 and 2125 according to Wikipedia. It is highly unlikely that we will be around for those so I am really glad we had the chance to see this one.

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