Sunday, August 26, 2012

A complaint!

I just wanted to complain today about something that happened yesterday.  You know how you are having a good day and then you go to the mailbox?  Well, that is what happened to me yesterday.  Why do we need mail on Saturday anyway?  So we received a tax bill for public school.  It is $1,400! !@#$%^&*()

I really have a hard time thinking that we have to pay this when our kids do not even use the public school system and will NEVER will!  We have to pay to educate our children, and I do not really feel like I should pay this stupid tax for something that has nothing to do with us.  Oh well, that is the government for you, and this is why I always say that homeschooling is not a threat to the public schools because people have to pay the school tax whether it benefits them directly or not.  I also think this is a steep tax to pay considering what I see from the public schools in this area.  It might be a little easier if there were good schools in this area, no, I do not want to pay it either way.  Complaint over!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! My grandpa complained about it because he also had to pay excess fees when his 5 children went to school. He lodged such a huge complaint one day his kids still tell that story!


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