Thursday, August 23, 2012

Olympic runners watch out for A11

A funny story from the Monday classes last week.  A11 has signed up for a fitness class which involves various aspects of fitness and exercise.  Now if you know A11, you know she is a waif of a girl who probably weighs 70 pounds soaking wet.  She always wears Crocs and her naturally curly hair is all over the place.  Sometimes if she is standing sideways, you cannot see her.  What can I say, she is who she is.  She is very Barney Fife-like.  

I have seen her racing with her sister and a few kids from the neighborhood and she usually wins with no problem but I never thought she could run a mile in 6:38.  That would be six minutes and thirty-eight seconds.  Only one other girl came in ahead of her and that girl has taken the class several times before.  She left all the boys in the dust.  The craziest part is that there I was making excuses for her to the fitness teacher.  I said oh, I don't think A11 can run a mile especially in crocs and Capri pants.  And yet there she came, running the final part of the mile with gusto, a smile on her face, and hair going everywhere.  It was a very Pippi Longstockings-type of a moment.  I do not think she even realized what she was doing.  I think she thought she was just running just for the sake of running and was unconcerned with times.  So blissfully unaware.  She was just running because the teacher told her too, not to get the best time.

They will run a mile once again before the 14 weeks are up so we will see if she gets any faster, not that it matters.  Maybe she could actually dress for a fitness class too.  Crocs and Capris may not be the most athletic attire.  She will also get to work with archery for 2 lessons which she already has a handle on that from shooting here and then they will workout using the insanity DVD.  I think this is right up her alley.  She lives for insanity.

Lots of fitness fun coming our way.  I just hope she does not ask me to run a mile with her, I would surely need to call EMS halfway through.  

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