Monday, September 3, 2012

Here we go again.

This is the 3rd week since public school started and they are already trying to sell stuff.  Today, on a holiday no less, a kid knocked on the door trying to sell me some expensive, useless crap that I do not want or have the money for.  I usually play along with this and buy at least a $4 candy bar which I usually do not see until months later by which time I have forgotten about it anyway  or a roll of $8 wrapping paper that wraps the equivalent of 1 shirt box.  This time I decided to say, we homeschool and give enough money to the local school systems by force so we would not be interested in giving any more but thanks anyway.  I am still angry about the school tax that we are being forced to pay so the poor kid did not stand a chance of getting a penny out of me today.  Sorry kid, it was not personal.

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