Saturday, December 29, 2012

A plethora of pets

Doesn't everyone have this many pets?

After I did the blog post regarding the acquisition of  our 2 newest family members from the animal kingdom, I jokingly said we would be ready to board Noah's arc soon if we keep bringing in animals the way we have been.  So that is what prompted this blog post about our family pets.

This is Ms. Rain.  She is 13 years old now.  We have had her for 6 years.  She is the "Obligatory Christmas pony" that every little girl dreams of but does not usually get but my husband thought it would be the best present ever, therefore, they loaded her up in a trailer and delivered her.

What my husband did not know was that not only did he get them the greatest Christmas present ever, he got them  two of the greatest Christmas presents ever as she was about 5 months pregnant when we took her.

Charlie Rose was born in May and what a handful she was.  We did the best we could do to train her and work with her but it was really like the blind leading the blind since neither my husband nor myself has had any formal instruction in how to train a horse, let alone a wild baby horse.  We gave her to one of the local horse barns in our area because she was getting bigger and wilder by the minute.

Here is Shadow.  Shadow is the first feline I have ever had in all my years on earth.  I did not think I even liked cats until we brought him home.  He is devastatingly handsome and such a sweety.  I love Shadow.

Smokey, on the other hand, made me question again whether or not I like cats.  I don't know about this guy. We adopted him from a shelter for some reason that escapes me now since I was really happy just having Shadow but he is here now so.........  We never know what he will do next.  He acts like he owns the place chasing around and pouncing on poor Shadow day in and day out but if anyone rings the doorbell or even sneezes too loudly, he takes off so fast, you barely know he has gone by and he is nowhere to be found for hours after that.  He is scared of everything but still he tries to be the alpha male. He is more like the alpha idiot.  I think he has mental issues as well.  He is just different!  I think that is what I like about him and dislike about him.

Ms. Emily. This is the sweetest guinea pig ever!  She had a nice long life.  Emily is another one of our female pets that was already pregnant when we brought her home.  She had 3 babies and they all looked like big cotton balls.  They were so cute and little.  I did not realize how little baby guinea pigs are.  We raised the babies for 6 weeks, and they all went to good homes.

Ms. Danny.  Danny was Emily's roommate for 6 1/2 years.  She was more of a booger than Emily was.  She liked human fingers a lot.  Danny also had babies while she was here.  She gave birth to 4 little cotton balls, and they all went to good homes too after 6 weeks.  Do you see the pattern of pregnant female pets going on here?  Our new animal policy is NO MORE FEMALE ANIMALS!!!!

Hermit crabs.  I think we have had 5 total but I do not remember.  I am only vaguely aware of their names.  I think Coconut, Breeze, Sandy, Oreo, and Peanut.  Anyhoo, hermit crabs are not exactly warm and cuddly.  I think they are the kind of pets you just say you have but cannot really interact with them, like fish.  That reminds me, we can also add fish to the list of pets.  At one time, we had 2 beta fish.  One was attacked by Smokey and the other was washed down the sink when we were trying to clean the fish bowl.  Oh well!

Jink is from last Christmas.  He was quite a wild man he we brought him home.  A couple of friends left out of here with bloody, chewed up finger thanks to him.  I was pretty close to getting a replacement guinea pig because this dude was acting like a Tasmanian Devil for the first week and a half.  He was not playing nicely with his roommate Gwin either.  He has calmed down now.  Lucky for him since my husband wanted to put him out in the field and see if any hawks were around for lunch.

Gwin.  This is a nice little piggie.  He does not really cause any drama.  He is my kind of piggie!

Ms. Cookie Butt.  She is one of the strays that has adopted us.  I love Cookie!!!  She is spunky, feisty, playful, and sweet all rolled into one perfect cat.  I think she should be cloned. She is 3 now and has been
around since she was about 6
weeks old.

Cookie Butt had 1 litter of kittens her first year and since you know my kiddos are animal crazy, we raised them for 8 weeks and then found them a home.  Luckily, they all went together.
There was a 4th kitten born but sadly he was not breathing and Cookie was a little busy giving birth and taking care of the other kittens to help him out and since I am not proficient in newborn kitten CPR, he did not make it.  These kittens were crazy cute!  And yes, my kids were begging to keep them all but dear husband was not interested in funding food and vet bills for any more pets.

This is Ricky Bobby.  What a dumb name!  This guy was another surprise.  His mamma is Rain, that stunning bay pony pictured at the top and his poppa is Norman, that very unattractive donkey pictured below.  This little Ricky Bobby is also unattractive, well, ugly is a better word for it.  He was ugly when he was born.  He was cute for about a week, and now he is ugly again.  Poor guy!

Norman.  He is not ours, I am just including him since he is Ricky Bobby's poppa.   Only a mamma could love this face.  Blah!!!  I don't like Norman because he tried to eat A11's finger one day and almost succeeded.

This has been an exhausting blog post!  Finally, down to the last of the pets.
Percy and Finnick.  They have only been here 5 days.  So far, so good!  They just sit on their perches and look at us.  I think they are getting used to all the noise and the cats looking at them like they are dinner.  They are really nice birds.

So there you have it!
I thought it would be fun to see all of these animals together in one place but now that I am seeing it all laid out like this, there is a good chance that we could end up on episode of Animal Hoarders.


  1. LOL, I think Norman's face is quite cute looking, but then he didn't try to take my finger off. ;)

  2. Hey Kendra

    I can send him to Australia if you like.


Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.