Wednesday, December 26, 2012

It's official! I am insane afterall!

If you know me or read this blog frequently, you know we have a lot of critters around our house.  If not, let me catch you up.  We have a horse who gave birth twice (once to a horse and once to a mule that currently resides with her but that is a long story you can read about that here if you missed it), we have 2 indoor cats, there are 2 stray cats that have laid claim to our yard so we take care of them, 2 guinea pigs, 3 hermit crabs (I think we still have 3? There were 4 at one time), and now we have parakeets, excuse me, "Fancy parakeets" as I was just reminded.  I guess if we could acquire 2 giraffes and 2 elephants, we would be ready to get on Noah's arc.

Last year at Christmas, we brought home 2 guinea pigs since our other 2 piggies died last year.  This year my bird-crazy A11 wanted a bird so naturally we brought home 2.  The people at the pet store said 2 would be better than one and since I am a sucker, we now have 2.  I think next year we will have to instate a no live animals for Christmas policy, no dead animals either for that matter, again if you are a reader of this blog, you know we dissect any road kill we can find.  Click here for the gory details.

Anyway, here they are:  drum-roll........................

Introducing Percy and Finnick.  They were named after characters in books, of course!  Percy is the yellow "Fancy" parakeet named after the character from the Percy Jackson book series, and Finnick is the white and blue "Fancy" parakeet named after a character in Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games.

So far (the last 4 hours), they have been really easy.  They just keep huddled together.    
They seem really scared right now.  That might have something to do with the 2 cats that keep slinking around their cage licking their lips or that they have 2 squeaking guinea pigs as neighbors.  I hope they start to feel comfortable soon.  It is really loud at our house too.  They are used to being in a cage surrounded by glass so the noise level here has to be a shocker.  I live here and sometimes I cannot believe how loud it is.

I will add more pictures once they settle in.  We took about 10 pictures today but they all looked like the same picture because the poor little guys will not move.  They have just been sitting beak-to-beak.

You can read about parakeets here from Wiki.

Wish me luck!!!!

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Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.