Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Hobbit, a unit study

“The road goes ever on and on” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit

A lot has been going on in our lives lately but it is now time to get back to business as usually.  We are now working on a literary study of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.  I am going to prepare this unit myself, and we will follow whatever path of interest that the story takes us on.

Here is a brief summary of The Hobbit by Wiki answers
Bilbo Baggins is a well-to-do hobbit* who is respected by many and never dreamed of doing anything adventurous of unexpected. However, his perfect life is suddenly disrupted as Gandalf the wizard thrusts him into the wilderness with thirteen dwarves to find a vast treasure and slay the dragon guarding it. With a surprising amount of luck, Bilbo survives trolls, giant wolves, mysterious elves, and a strange ring, before finally arriving with his companions at the evil mountain wherein lies the treasure, and the dragon! The company awakens the dragon, who flies about the land, and soon elves, men and dwarves are all after the treasure! Will Bilbo's company be able to save the treasure from greedy hands, or be killed in the resulting Battle of Five Armies? Read it and find out! 

*Hobbit: also by Wiki answers
Hobbits are a small fictional people, shorter that dwarves, who live in a land they call the Shire. They all share a love of peace and quiet, things that grow, and food, and they don't like anything unexpected and dangerous.

Our copy of The Hobbit.  C13 has her own copy but will not let us use it because it is the collectors edition, and she  is a collector. 
We love trivia so we picked up this trivia challenge to see how Hobbit-savvy will really are.

This colorful book takes us through the world of the Hobbits, their unexpected journey.
And this is an activity book filled with colorful pages and a lot of fun, puzzling activities to try.
We also picked up the Movie Guide but I am hiding that until after we have completed reading the novel and then we will watch the movie.  Comparing the original novel and the movie version of a novel is always a lot of fun.  Usually the novels are better but on some occasions, the movies will outshine the books but not usually.  

I will also be adding more resources and update our lesson plans as we go.  

Here are a  few great resources to get you started:
Book Rags
The Tolkien Society
Quotes from The Hobbit

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” 
― J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit


  1. We're reading The Hobbit this year too, but not as a unit study. Im betting my boys might ask for one afterwards though... ;)

  2. We want to read it fast so that we can see the movie at the theaters but you know how my life is at the moment so it might not happen. So far, I really like it! I know I read it when I was younger but ..................


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