Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Mockingjay-Part 1


The Mockingjay-Part 1.  Where to beginning?  It is no secret that we are a Hunger Games family.  We have seen The Hunger Games and Catching Fire no less than 100 times in the past few years.  So far, we have only seen The Mockingjay once but we are going back after lunch on Thanksgiving Day.

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I browsed a few of the critic's reviews just before we left, BIG MISTAKE, I am talking major big!   The critics really did not have to many positive words to say about The Mockingjay.  I left for the movie thinking how is that possible?

My summary:

It is obvious from the start of the movie that it was darker than the two previous films.  It is a more mature film (extra violence) and it is more thematic (as far as the visuals of the destruction).

The Mockingjay is also more political and emotional.  The movie does get off to a slow start, I agree with the critics on that but the ending was nonstop action and suspense.

image from the web Pres Coin

At the end of Catching Fire, District 12 was completely obliterated by The Capitol all thanks to Katniss and her Quarter Quell uprising.  Katniss' family and Gale were able to escape the destruction. District 12 was a cluttered mass of skeletal remains and rubble.  Gale and Katniss' mom and sister were now safe and sound in District 13 living underground, along with other survivors from other districts throughout Panem.

The people in District 13 built their own new society of sorts, and this society is highly organized and strong.  The people of District 13 want Katniss to be their symbol in the fight against The Capitol and President Snow.  Katniss is reluctant to do so as she is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder after what happened in the Quarter Quell but she finally relents.

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Katniss spends a lot of time crying, giving propaganda speeches, and singing in The Mockingjay.

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Alma Coin (Julianne Moore) is their barbarous president.  She is precise, and she is not playing around.  Plutarch Heavensbee (Phillip Seymour Hoffmann) and Beetee (Jeffrey Wright) are there to encourage and support Katniss.  Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson) and Effie Trinket (Elizabeth Banks) are also there for Katniss but in a little different capacity.

Poor Effie Trinket, she is a political refugee and has lost all of her glam, sigh.

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This is a"new world order" led by Katniss.  She is the face of the revolution.  She is the Mockingjay.

There is, however, one big problem.  The ever so ruthless President Snow had Peeta kidnapped to be manipulated and used as a weapon against Katniss.

This is pretty much the time that Katniss realizes how she really feels about Peeta.  President Snow will stop at nothing.  He is such a menace.

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A rescue mission to get Peeta and a few other survivors of the Quarter Quell out of the Capitol was devised.  This happens during the last half of the movie.  It is very suspenseful at times.

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As part of The Capitol's manipulation of Peeta, the fabulous Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci) completes several interviews (propaganda-style)  for all to see.  In these interviews, Peeta denounces Katniss.  He begs for a cease-fire.

Of course, there is a cliffhanger at the end of the movie.  The end of this movie was like the power going out, it was just over.  Cliffhanger may not be the right word for it and I know that everyone in the theater wished that part 2 would start immediately.  Too bad we have to wait another year. (Boo!)

I think this is a good place to stop the summary.  I really do not want to reveal too much even though you will find spoilers everywhere on the internet so beware!

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Other stuff:

Along side of the veteran cast members of the Hunger Games Trilogy were new players including Julianne Moore, Mahershala Ali, and Natalie Dormer.  They get to have the spotlight in a few scenes.

They were all fantastic and added to the movie tremendously.
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Julianne Moore (Alma Coin) is the leader/president in District 13, Mahershala Ali (Boggs) is a solider and President Coin's right-hand man, and Natalie Dormer (Cressida) is a rebel filmmaker.
One of my favorites Johanna Mason played by Jena Malone is
only at the end of the film but do not blink or you will miss her.  Bummer!  I really like her character.  We will see her again in part 2.

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Johanna Mason
Everyone we went to see this movie with loved it!  I know the critics have a job to do but I personally think they were not exactly on target with their critiques of The Mockingjay.  I know everyone has an opinion so I can disagree with the majority of what was said, and I am, I will. HA!
*get to the theater early.
*do not drink a lot during the movie.
*if you are a peeaholic like me, do not leave the theater to pee in the last half an hour. Your best bet is the first hour.
*wait until the final credits and songs are finished before you leave.  They show the new Mockingjay symbol for part 2.
*go with friends.
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You can find the full cast here.
Mockingjay on Pinterest
The last Mockingjay trailer before the movie.
abc news clip of a scene with Boggs.
Images from the movie set.
Final thoughts from Finnick, so true!
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And of course the film was dedicated to the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman.
Image from the web

1 comment:

Thanks for horsing around with me. You really never know what you will get when you read my blog so thanks for stopping by.