Saturday, April 23, 2011


We are working our way through a biography of Helen Keller.  We are using our beloved Beyond Five in a Row as our guide.  Naturally, since Helen was blind, we took the opportunity to learn about the eye and seeing.  What eye study could be complete without the dissection of a cow's eye.

The following pictures are NOT for the faint of heart.

One cow's eye.

The cutting begins.
The principle cut the eye open.  The eye was full of vitreous humor.
Taking the poor cow's eye apart, piece by piece.
Dissection completed!  Here is a link to another dissection. 
Another great link:  here

We decided to do a frog dissection while we were at it. Helen Keller did not have a frog to my knowledge.  Again, not for the faint of heart.

This is the poor little frog who unknowingly gave his life to science.  RIP!
Cut, cut, cut!

The sound of ripping skin is disgusting!

A missing leg.


This frog bites.
The rest of the pictures are just the guts and stuff.  You can tell, I am real scientific. 

Here  is a link to frog dissection. 

Overall, these were great science activities but I do not think we will be doing any more dissections anytime soon.

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