Sunday, March 31, 2013

Smokey John Jones

Guess who is turning 6?  Smokey, our April fool's day boy and oh what a fool he is.  I know he is awfully cute but this is a 9 pound terrorist.  He tries to eat the birds, he stalks the guinea pigs, he bites, he scratches, he chases and pounces on our other cat Shadow, he will eat all the food in the bowl and then turn around and puke it up and run away, and he frequently gives us all the stink eye but he is just so cute, he gets away with it.
What are lookin' at?
We got Smokey when he was 6 weeks old.  It was my fault, he was just so cute.  There was something about his color.  Solid gray, so gray he looks blue sometimes.  I thought he was unique, and I am all about unique.

Stink eye
Here he is, King Smokey, King of the Fools, waiting on the royal birthday treats.  He is so spoiled, he is rotten.
It is all about me-ow!
Happy birthday Smokey John Jones.  We love ya and hope you settle your butt down soon.

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