Monday, April 1, 2013

Animals R us

Meet Stormy and Casper.  My kids can talk me into anything.  Their poppa and nana gave them some money for an Easter treat and of course, when they have their own money, they want to buy things that are alive and require food and bedding.  I am such a sucker!

Anyway, C13 finally got a parakeet.  He is so scared!  We tried to introduce him to A11's birds but none of them were having it.  So he is staying in a temporary house that we made up.  This is not a good picture.  I took it.  He looks really regal.

C13 took this one.  We let him try out the cage.
And this little cutie is Casper.  As you know, A11's guinea pig just up and died the other day for reasons we are still not sure of and she really wanted a new guinea.  There were so many cute guinea pigs at the pet store but she decided on this little guy.  He is all white except his face and backside.  So far, he is really sweet.  He is so small.  He is super scared.  Every time we pick him up or put him close to the other guinea pig, he poops!  A lot!

The introduction.  We tried to put them together because the pet store associates assured us that they would be fine together but our current guinea pig, Jinx, is way bigger, like 4 times bigger.  He is the Godzilla of guinea pigs compared to little Casper so I think for safety reasons, we will keep them separated for a little longer.
So our family continues to grow, lose one, add two, it makes sense, right?

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