Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween!

I have been researching Halloween and here is what I found.

A long time ago, the Celts believed that people could be both good and evil and they could do hurtful things or good things.  England, Ireland, and France was where the Celts called home.  The Celts spend all spring and summer growing food to have for winter and held a harvesting festival to thank the spirits for their help.  This festival is known as Samhain.  During these festivals people could wear costumes.  They also ate a lot of food and made sacrifices to keep the bad spirits away.  There was even fortune telling.  Fast forward several hundred years later other beliefs and religions spread to the Celtic area.  The Christians believed that November 1st was a day to honor those who died for their religion.  They wanted to honor the good spirits as they had be doing for centuries.  This day is call All Saint's Day or All-hallowmas.  The night before November 1st is October 31st and is known as All-hallows Eve or Hallowe'en.  They believed that since November 1st was for good spirits the day before October 31st would be a time for the bad spirits to roam free.  Halloween today is much different as in it is a night of frolic, candy, and store bought costumes.  At any rate, I do love Halloween!

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