Thursday, November 14, 2013

Homeschool science fair

Yesterday was the Scholastic science fair for our homeschool group. This year's participants were between the ages of 5 and 13.  They did a fantastic job with their projects.  They made their own displays and did their own research and very proudly stood in front of a lot of people and explained what they learned and fielded questions which they could actually answer.  There were quite a few participants and parents this year.  There were a few more dads there than usual which is so awesome for the kids.

So here are just a few pictures which, of course, my awesome C14 took.  She is really becoming quite the photographer.  She can work the room from all angles to get the right shot every time.  She has gotten so good, our group will now just email me to ask if she is available to photograph certain events. I am so proud of her.  Homeschooling has lent itself well to my children following their own interests.

If you are a long time reader of this blog, you know I do not use photos of my children or any one else's children so these are just a few of the experiment displays without the children.

This was an experiment detailing gold and silver. 

All about Coke with Coke samples to share.

This experiment detailed the eye, inside and out.  She did a nice job with this in that she would explain one part and then open the eye up and show the eye from the inside. 

This was an experiment about electricity by the cutest 5-year-old boy.  Also, check out that shirt, single and lovin' it.  I have to get one of those.

Obviously this is about Toadstools.  This was actually pretty interesting. 

This photo and the photo below are from the same experiment.  This girl knew her honey-making inside and out.  I have a new appreciation for honey now that I understand how much it takes for the bees to make honey.  It is really a daunting task making honey.  I am glad I am not a bee.
This is a nest that she found in her yard.  Luckily for us, it was abandoned.

There were 14 displays this year.  There was a power point about mold that was very well done.  These kids are so smart and brave in my opinion.  It really takes a lot to stand up in front of people and talk.  It is not something that I like to do but good for them!  We have one more Scholastic fair for the school year related to history.  I can't wait for that one.

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